
Sheikh Atif


Sheikh Atif Ahmed, the founder of Al Midrar Institute, a renowned motivational speaker, and an Islamic scholar. He has made a remarkable career out of his unshakable dedication to mentoring and encouraging young people. We explore Sheikh Atif Ahmed’s life, education, and significant accomplishments in this in-depth biography, illuminating the man behind the well-known figure.

Full NameSheikh Atif Ahmed
BirthplaceKarachi, Pakistan
Date of BirthPrivate; not disclosed publicly
EducationGraduated from the University of Houston, Dallas
Early Education“Everyone inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be!”
Institute FoundedAl Midrar Institute (2013)
Certifications– Quranic exegesis and Saheeh al Bukhari
Aalim CourseMahad ul Quran under Grand Shaykh Mufti Khaleel ur Rahman Lakhvi
Philanthropic WorkFocus on youth guidance, skill development, and empowerment
Lecture TopicsMotivation, self-growth, Islamic principles
Seminars ConductedPMA Pakistan Military Academy, LUMS, Army Burnhall, and various educational institutions
International RecognitionInvited by Pakistan Professional Forum in Qatar; conducted workshops for international corporates
SEO Meta DescriptionExplore the life and contributions of Sheikh Atif Ahmed, a motivational speaker and founder of Al Midrar Institute.
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Sheikh Atif Early Life and Education:

Sheikh Atif Ahmed’s early years in Karachi groomed him for a life devoted to learning, helping others, and inspiring others. Sheikh Atif was raised in a household that placed great importance on education. And his upbringing was influenced by Karachi’s rich cultural diversity as well as the values his parents instilled in him.

Sheikh Atif was raised in a busy city where he saw many different cultures, beliefs, and viewpoints coming together. Sheikh Atif was first exposed to the vibrant city of Karachi when his father, who was 65 years old at the time, chose to relocate the family from Sialkot to Karachi. This relocation was a momentous occasion in the family’s history.

From a young age, Sheikh Atif’s journey was centred around education. He finished his basic schooling in his hometown, where his quest for knowledge first started. This stage prepared him for the academic success that would mark his subsequent pursuits.

Sheikh Atif’s educational journey underwent a significant turning point when he travelled overseas to attend the University of Houston, Dallas. Studying abroad was a crucial choice that opened his eyes to new ideas and varied educational opportunities. Sheikh Atif improved his academic abilities at the university, but he also gained a deeper comprehension of global dynamics and cultural quirks.

Sheikh Atif’s perspectives were expanded by his exposure to other cultures and educational systems. Which gave him a strong desire to combine the rich Islamic traditions he had grown up with with the latest scientific discoveries. Later on, this fusion of East and West would come to define his pedagogical philosophy.+

Sheikh Atif Education

Sheikh Atif was a standout student at the University of Houston, Dallas, known for his scholarly prowess and his desire to learn about all subjects. His studies were more than just a way to get a degree; they were a life-changing experience that would influence his perspective. And set the groundwork for his future career as an Islamic scholar and motivational speaker.

Sheikh Atif’s personality, values, and intellectual ability were shaped by his educational experiences both in Karachi and abroad. These encounters gave him the skills necessary to successfully negotiate the intricacies of contemporary life. While adhering to the enduring tenets of Islamic education.

Al Midrar Institute:

A Source of Insight The academic research and training centre Al Midrar Institute was founded in 2013 by Sheikh Atif Ahmed. The main goals of the institute are to mentor young people. Encourage self-sufficiency in Shariah, and offer a forum for skill development. Sheikh Atif personally mentors students in a wide range of courses. Including management sciences, psychology, entrepreneurship, and Islamic principles, as part of the institute’s curriculum.

Certifications and Early Work:

Sheikh Atif’s desire for knowledge is shown by his certificates in Saheeh al Bukhari and Quranic exegesis. During his early years, he studied under Grand Shaykh Mufti Khaleel ur Rahman Lakhvi for the Aalim course at Mahad ul Quran. His subsequent attempts and contributions to Islamic education were made possible by this formative time.

Inspirational Lectures:

Sheikh Atif’s motivational lectures, in which he stresses positive thinking, handling toxicity, appreciating one’s choices, and realising one’s value, are the core of his influence. His talks strike a chord with young people, encouraging them to face obstacles head-on with courage and resiliency. Beyond motivation, Sheikh Atif teaches about Islamic beliefs and the skill of rejecting negative.

Sheikh Atif Books

TitleGenrePublication YearDescription
“Journey to Self-Discovery”Motivational/Self-Help2015A guide to self-awareness and personal growth, drawing from Sheikh Atif’s experiences and teachings.
“Guiding Light: Principles of Management Sciences”Management2018Explores principles of effective management, blending Islamic teachings with contemporary business strategies.
“The Power Within: Unlocking Your Potential”Motivational2020Encourages readers to tap into their untapped potential, offering insights on motivation and goal-setting.
“Islamic Creed Unveiled”Islamic Studies2016Examines fundamental aspects of Islamic creed, providing a comprehensive guide for both scholars and general readers.
“The Art of War: Islamic Perspective”Strategy2017Adapts Sun Tzu’s classic to Islamic principles, offering insights on strategic thinking within an ethical framework.

Engaging Seminars and Recognitions:

Sheikh Atif’s popularity goes far beyond Al Midrar Institute; he has received invites from prominent institutions like Army Burnhall, LUMS, PMA Pakistan Military Academy, and more. His provocative lectures have made a lasting impression on several academic institutions and businesses. Notably, the Pakistan Professional Forum in Qatar has sent its greetings to him, demonstrating the global scope of his impact.

Sheikh Atif’s Philosophies:

Sheikh Atif, who firmly believes that youth empowerment can transform society, sees a future full of law-abiding, well-mannered inhabitants. “Everyone inside them a piece of good news,” is his mantra. The good news is that you have no idea how exceptional you are!” demonstrates his commitment to helping people reach their full potential.


Islamic values, education, and motivation connect in Sheikh Atif Ahmed’s life story to create a powerful and inspirational story. Sheikh Atif is a guiding light for the younger generation, inspiring them to realise their potential and make significant contributions to society, from the establishment of the Al Midrar Institute to his captivating talks and seminars.

FAQs about Sheikh Atif Biography

Q1. What is the main focus of Sheikh Atif Ahmed’s lectures?

A1. Sheikh Atif Ahmed’s lectures primarily focus on motivation, self-growth, and Islamic principles. He emphasizes positive thinking, dealing with toxicity, valuing one’s choices, and recognizing individual worth.

Q2. What certifications does Sheikh Atif hold?

A2. Sheikh Atif holds certifications in Quranic exegesis from Mohaddis Mufti Sheikh Abdullah Amjad Chatwee and Saheeh al Bukhari from Sheikh Mehmood Ahmed Hassan.

Q3. Can you elaborate on Al Midrar Institute’s curriculum?

A3. Al Midrar Institute offers a diverse curriculum covering subjects such as management sciences, psychology, entrepreneurship, and Islamic principles. Sheikh Atif personally coaches students, aiming to provide a well-rounded education.

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